Posts Tagged ‘ Natasha Pritchett ’

Tattoo of the Day 07/20/11

Literate Owl by Natasha Pritchett.

Tattoo of the Day 07/02/11

Some Orwellian propaganda by Natasha Pritchett!


We’ve got videos now, how cool!  Here’s one of K.C., Daniel, and Natasha doing what they do (tattooing, that is).

Daniel doesn’t appreciate The Smiths like I do.

Tiger Rose Tattoo Festival

Remember last weekend when our artists went to Seattle for the NTA’s National Tattoo Convention?  Well, we haven’t had enough – this weekend Karen Roze, Natasha Pritchett, and Amanda Go will be heading to Santa Maria, CA, for the 2nd Annual Tiger Rose Tattoo Festival!  Convention runs May 1st and 2nd, and there are still appointments available, so book now and get ready for another weekend of inky debauchery!  (Click the image for more info.)

Beautiful Owl

By Natasha Pritchett